A freezer washed up on a Nantucket beach. It was filled with ice cream.

A freezer washed up on a Nantucket beach. It was filled with ice cream.

Posted on August 5th, 2022

A classic summer treat made a mysterious appearance at a Nantucket beach on Thursday afternoon. 

The Nantucket Current reports a freezer full of ice cream washed up on Madequecham Beach. Lauren Raimy, a Pennsylvania resident who was visiting the beach on the southeastern shore of the island with her family, told the newspaper they spotted the freezer in the surf through the fog. 

After about 15 minutes, the big box floated to shore, washing up on the beach. 

“There weren’t a ton of people on the beach but a crowd of 5-ish people came over to look,” she told the Current. “We weren’t sure what it was at first (we were hoping we weren’t going to find a dead body or something) but then we determined it was a fridge/freezer. Someone opened it up and it was full of the ice cream.”

According to the newspaper, it remains unclear where the freezer came from. But it was no doubt a less distressing Nantucket shoreline discovery than the one that made headlines earlier this week.

Source: Boston

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